Taylor Wimberly su Motorola Moto X: considerazioni

Meno di 24 ore ci separano dall’evento di presentazione ufficiale del Motorola Moto X, un nuovo smartphone Android atteso da molti e che ha fatto parlare di se in questi ultimi mesi, tenendo impegnati blogger ed i curiosi del settore. Oggi Taylor Wimberly, colui che più di tutti ha provveduto a fornire informazioni riguardanti il nuovo Moto X, ha espresso in un post alcune considerazioni che, più che pensieri, sembrano vere e proprie affermazioni.

Di Motorola Moto X sappiamo ormai tutto, ma siamo sicuri che l’azienda proprietà di Google non ci abbia tenuto in serbo qualche sorpresa? Il blogger Americano è certo che domani verremo stupiti da Motorola. Oltre a questo, il prezzo ufficiale non è tutt’ora stato definito: si parlava di 299$ come prezzo standard, ma il prezzo potrebbe essere anche molto più alto. Secondo WimberlyMoto X potrebbe costare dai 199$ ai 499$. Nel caso in cui costasse solo 199$, significherebbe che Google è realmente intimorita dalle offerte di Samsung nel settore degli smartphone, ma è quasi impensabile credere ad un così basso prezzo di lancio, anche perchè tutti gli altri producer sarebbero costretti a dimezzare i prezzi dei loro smartphone. Tuttavia, siamo convinti che il prezzo ideale per Motorola Moto X siano proprio 299$.

I pre-ordini nei negozi cominceranno, probabilmente, già domani in seguito alla presentazione ufficiale. Motorola sarà la prima azienda ad utilizzare la tecnologia Clear Pixel Camera per la fotocamera dei propri smartphone, e questa tecnologia potrebbe far diventare la fotocamera di Moto X la migliore sul mercato per quanto riguarda il panorama Android.

La qualità e la definizione dello schermo di Moto X sono davvero elevate: Motorola ha scelto di utilizzare una speciale matrice RGB piuttosto che quella Pentile, probabilmente per cercare di rimediare alla mancanza della risoluzione Full HD. A livello tecnico Moto X potrebbe risultare inferiore (secondo i benchmark) ad altri smartphone di punta come One o S4, ma nell’esperienza quotidiana questi dispositivi saranno del tutto paragonabili e si terranno testa a vicenda. L’atteso Motorola xWatch non verrà annunciato domani, ma arriverà.

Questi e altri i pensieri di Taylor Wimberly riguardo al nuovo Motorola Moto X. Di seguito vi riportiamo il post completo pubblicato su Google+:

Random thoughts on the Moto X before the big unveiling tomorrow. Respond to any point using the number. Thanks for all the comments, +1s, and shares this last week. It’s been fun hyping this device up.

1. I believe that 97% of the details surrounding the Moto X have already leaked, but I’m certain there are a couple surprises left. Any guesses?
2. I was never able to confirm the rumor that units had shipped to carrier stores. You would think that some rogue retail employee would have leaked a pic if there were boxes sitting in the back, but how did Best Buy keep the Chromecast stock a secret?
3. I still believe online pre-sales will start tomorrow. I’m told they will be sold at Motorola.com and not the Google Play store. The online configurator should offer more customization options that people are expecting.
4. Rumored pricing for Moto X off-contract has been anywhere from $199 to $599. I honestly don’t know what the final price is, but Google has the ability to hit any price point they desire. I think a base price of $499 would disappoint, $399 would be a good value, $299 would make most people happy, and $199 would signal that Google is scared of Samsung.
5. Speaking of pricing, don’t expect a big discount if you are buying a carrier locked version.
6. Props to Motorola for trying something new with the camera. They are the only ones using this new Clear Pixel camera, and it could be the best camera on any Android phone. Should have great low-light performance like the HTC One, more detail like the GS4, and video at 1080p 60 FPS.
7. Also glad to see Moto pick a display that offers the best picture and power consumption, instead of just going for highest-resolution. Moto is calling this the worlds first interactive LED display. It has uniform RGB sub-pixel arrangement (non-pentile).
8. Most underated feature could be Motorola Connect. Not much is known about this feature, but it’s an app that connects the Moto X to the desktop Chrome browser (think Airdroid functionality). There might also be some new functionality for Chromecast.
9. In case you missed it, the rumored Motorola xWATCH has been shelved until a later date.
10. Moto X will probably lose out on a couple benchmark wars with the One/GS4 since it only has 2 CPU cores instead of 4, but the day-to-day performance will be comparable. All devices have the same Adreno 320 GPU, so gaming performance will also be the same.
11. I definitely contributed to building up the hype, but Moto did an excellent job of creating buzz for this launch. It will be really hard for the final product to live up to the hype we created, but it has a chance if they price it right.
12. Don’t remember if this leaked, but Moto X has a SmartBoost Speaker with Smart Bass up to 3watts. Also does virtual 5.1 surround sound with headset.
13. Moto X features the same “stock Android” as seen on the new Droids, but with less carrier bloatware. There will be some Moto specific apps like the camera, and other widgets. Moto will promise faster Android upgrade cycles than other OEMs.
14. I’m not going to the launch event in NYC because Moto didn’t invite me. They have not invited me to any event since I was kicked out of the launch event of their first Android phone (R.I.P. CLIQ).
15. The last Moto phone I purchased was the original RAZR. I have never bought one of their Android phones, but I’m going to buy the Moto X since it’s assembled in my home state of Texas.

That’s it for me today, unless someone drops one of the remaining surprises in my lap…


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